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What I Have Learned From the Worst Year Ever: Part 1

2020. Where do I begin? How about here - it ended. 

This past year has challenged me, my perspectives, my definition of - well - everything. And, for most people, it did the same. 2020 led to newfound opportunities for growth and discovery, but unfortunately, it took a global pandemic for that to happen. Before I continue, I want to highlight how incredibly privileged I am in regards to not have my family or myself be significantly negatively affected by the pandemic or the terrible events that happened last year from a health (both physical and mental) and economic standpoint. To be able to even write about growth and not the incredible tragedy that so many people across the globe encountered during 2020 is something I am so grateful for. That is not to say my life has been perfect but my struggles (which will be slightly detailed below) are not nearly as extreme as what countless individuals have encountered. With that being said, for this overview of what I have learned from 2020, I wanted to divide it into three categories: what I learned about the "world" (VERY specific I know), what I learned about my friends and family, and what I learned about myself. I decided to split it into two separate posts because one post would have been too long. This post will cover the "World" section, and you can click here for the post with the "Friends & Family" and "Self" sections.  I wish I could do a cute "20 things I learned from 2020", but I really couldn't wrap my lessons into twenty perfect little packages. So in true 2020 fashion, here is a slightly messy takeaways-from-this-year post. 


I thought it would be best to start with the most outward category and branch inwards. So, beginning with what I learned about the world, the human condition, and society (yes, still very general I know), 2020 taught us how much we need to restructure everything. When I say restructure that does not only mean adapt currently-existing systems to modern conditions, but it also means deciding when we need to abolish the systems that are ineffective or at their most fundamental level flawed and build new, fairer systems. 2020 has forced us to analyze where our healthcare system is inequitable and our public health infrastructure flawed. Has forced to analyze our idea of justice, our prison systems, education, everything. Especially for me, this past year has brought about so much discussion and work surrounding the ideas of gender. After 2020, I have only begun to realize the extent to which gender impacts every aspect of our lives. Being part of the sex-and-gender-based medicine community and collaborating on research/projects has taught me to question the ways in which our healthcare systems function. Although no one has answers and solutions, I think 2020 has allowed me to think about how we can begin to change and address minor problems and major flaws. 

This is a bit of a touchy topic, so I am going to try my best to hold everyone - especially myself - accountable. When it comes to addressing these flaws and making change, unfortunately, so much of it has been just for face. When 2020 forced us to stay at home for months or see very few friends, it almost seemed necessary to repost an infographic on Instagram. But, after the first few months, it became evident that people forgot about their beloved infographics, and that somehow their parties with tens of people became "safe". The same people whose Instagram's story's said "Stay Home" had Instagram posts saying quite the opposite. When I say this, this is not to target anyone particularly. But to some extent, this is to target everyone to ask themselves, ourselves, in what ways they/we can be better. And, also to question, who we look up to. A lot of the figures we have idolized and the voices we have given so much power have simply put been irresponsible. Personally, my family and I are lucky to not have chronic illnesses, have jobs that we do not need to compromise our safety for, the list goes on and on. I know there are instances where I have not done enough or put my momentary enjoyment over others. Eventually, there was a point where I began justifying to myself what I was doing, starting to become more lenient. But, I had to recenter  - do better ACTUALLY.  Since I am so so lucky to not see the impacts of this virus directly in my own life, I have had to check myself in a time where becoming desensitized has become the norm. I am constantly trying to do better and for the last few months, I can genuinely say that I have stayed at home with my family or seen very limited friends with masks on. So, I challenge you and myself in 2021 to remember that the virus is still deadly and dangerous and to ask yourself "How can I do better?" 

Ok, at this point you must be like this has all been about what Janvi has realized is wrong with the world. However, my takeaways are not all miserable. 2020 has taught me how important our healthcare workers, frontline workers, and service workers are. The work of these individuals has kept the world running, and so many people continue working even though there is a constant threat to their and their loved ones' health. This past year has given me so much gratitude for these groups that I hope to carry into this next year and the next. Also, even those that are not frontline workers but the people across various professions that have made online learning possible, those that have dedicated their time and resources to those who have struggled, those that have supported society in so many ways deserve more applause. Finally, I have garnered an appreciation and a desire to be more like the people that have organized communities, worked to create change at every level, supported marginalized groups, invested in and created mutual aid networks, and held others including myself accountable during this time. 

This is the end of the "World" (section) - sorry that was too morbid, but I hope you enjoyed reading. Here is the following post about what I have learned about my friends and family as well as myself.

Thanks for reading, 

Janvi :)



  1. As expected, another excellently handled important subject by Janvi; our kudos are certainly in order.
    Post conclusion of Second World War, this current pandemic has perhaps been the first major global disaster (others may follow soon, particularly with the ongoing climate changes) in which every nation, small or big, has been affected adversely. During the cause, effect and healing process, global boundaries seem to be melting with everyone sharing knowledge as a pool and trying to help out each other. Within the limits or constraints or meaning of various federal and other structures, even the intrinsic national boundaries have displayed similar cohesion to an extents.
    Most existing Tin Gods have disappeared due to their inability to lead or failure to set example. Instead, new natural leadership and heroes emerged to take charge of the resultant situation. Yes, we all learnt the value of technology & telecommunications and how to extensively use it for entertainment & connecting with each other. The world has certainly changed, but for how long - that is the question. Has the humanity actually learnt anything and will it sustain?

    1. Thank you! I often wonder how differently the pandemic would have been without the internet acting as a force of connection and unity during these times. Unfortunately, with constant connection to media, it is often so easy to become desensitized to the horrible tragedies that exist and easier to forget about what we have learned from this year. I hope we can make consistent and deliberate efforts to implement what we have learned into 2021!


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